Lake Charles, LA
(337) 294-8916
407 Dr Michael Debakey Dr Lake Charles, LA 70601
Heading to a drug rehab facility to beat an addiction is the start of an arduous journey, but the results are always going to be worth it. Those who fail to treat their addiction will end up negatively impacting every facet of their physical, mental, and emotional health. In addition to harming themselves, they are also going to hurt those closest to them. At ACR Recovery and our drug rehab center in Lake Charles, Louisiana, you are going to be put in the best possible position to overcome every aspect of your disease so that you can rebuild your life from the ground up.
There Is Help Out There
One of the reasons why so few people head to an addiction recovery center is because they believe they can beat their disease on their own. Unfortunately, an addiction is a very complex condition that is often triggered by dozens of different variables over the years. That is why some people can casually drink or take their prescription painkillers as needed while others struggle with those substances almost immediately. In order to overcome your addiction, you must recognize when it is time to head to our Lake Charles, Louisiana substance abuse treatment facility for professional help.
The Progression of an Addiction
Everyone’s addiction is slightly different, and that is one of the reasons why every addiction recovery program should be personalized to maximize efficacy. Your addiction could be defined by countless issues, such as past trauma, a family history of addiction, mental health disorders, and your current circumstances. In most cases, an addiction begins with the casual or social use of a powerful chemical. Over a short period of time, your body will begin to process the substance so quickly that you must take it more frequently or up your dosage in order to feel the same effects.
Even if you lead a relatively normal life, you could still be doing damage to your body and mind during this period. From the moment that you build up a tolerance to a substance, you will slowly lose your ability to balance your natural chemicals and hormones. If you don’t take action immediately, then you may come to a point when you need that substance to function normally. As soon as you step through the doors of our addiction treatment facility, you are going to have the support you need to take care of all those issues one by one.
A Dual Diagnosis
For applicable clients, we offer dual diagnosis mental health treatment. This type of treatment is appropriate when an individual is struggling with an addiction as well as a co-occurring mental health problem such as depression, PTSD, or psychosis. Many people medicate themselves in order to control their mental health disorders. These conditions tend to go hand in hand, and you must treat both of them at the addiction recovery facility in order to see long-term changes.
A Closer Look at Detox
Your addiction recovery program might begin with a short stay at a drug detox clinic. These clinics are designed to help clients overcome the withdrawal side effects so that they can begin long-term treatments. Those who fail to undergo supervised detox often find themselves relapsing time and time again. Once you are past the first few days of withdrawing, you can finally approach the root causes of your addiction.
The New and Healthy You
The primary goal of ACR Recovery is to help you build the skills you need to transition back into your daily life as a healthy and happy individual. Even after you leave the addiction recovery facility, you are going to have nonstop support from a team of specialists as well as those who are in similar situations. These intensive outpatient programs could be vital to your success, and that is why we are proud to offer these services to all of the clients who complete our inpatient addiction recovery programs.
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